Analysis of the Role of the Social Service in Distributing Social Aid as an Effort to Relieve Poverty in Wonogiri District


  • Arya Hosi Dananjaya University Muhammadiyah of Surakarta
  • Ali Zainal Abidin University Muhammadiyah of Surakarta



Poverty is also a classic problem in any country; there has not been a powerful formula that can deal with poverty quickly. This study uses qualitative methods with Case Study Analysis that explores a particular case in more depth by collecting various sources of information. The type of data used is primary data, the source of data taken from respondents through data collection techniques, interviews, observations, and documentation. The method of selecting respondents uses purposive sampling with six respondents, including three employees of the Social Service office and three recipients of social assistance in this social assistance program. From the results of interviews with 4 out of 6 respondents, it can be concluded that the existence of this social assistance distribution program can be said to be not fully on target. The recipients of the social assistance understand the purpose and purpose of this social assistance and how to get the social assistance.

Keywords: poverty; social assistance; pandemic





