Calibrating Librarian Soft Skills with the Organizational Performance: A Transformation of Digital University Library


  • Fatchullah Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur
  • Dewi Khrisna Sawitri Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur



digital library, organizational performance, soft skill


The rapid development of information and communication technology has affected various fields, including the university library. The challenges of the digital world and IT developments have resulted in all areas of library work using information technology such us  verifying students’ thesis at the university repository, entry book borrowings, registering library members, updating information on the library website, checking the barcode attendance in each given service at the library and many others. Nowadays, the university librarians have become digital librarians as people who involve in the Information and Communication Technology setting equipped with digital skills by implementing  technology in libraries. Furthermore, librarians must acquire the updated skills in order to work efficiently  in a digital library  to fulfill the qualified librarian of digital librarianship.The implementation of digital libraries requires librarians who are competent not only in soft skill but also hard skill  in the field of librarianship and   technology. Regarding with soft skills, there are  in the form of communication skills (especially in english), leadership, team work, decision making, integrity. This study conducts qualitative method by investigating the soft skills that librarians must possess to manage libraries digitally. The data gathered in this study was secondary data which cover journals, textbooks, government regulations and other literature.   The data and method triangulations are conducted to confirm the validity of this research





