Online Media as a Means of Library Promotion at UPN "Veteran" Jawa Timur
Promotion is closely related to marketing. Kotler in Santoso (2007: 3) describes marketing as a management organization that adheres to the view that the task/key of the organization is to determine the needs and wants of the target market to provide the desired satisfaction. Meanwhile, Sudarmini (2001: 6) defines marketing with the application of libraries as a planned approach to identify and gain support from the user community; then, the library develops appropriate and profitable services for both parties, namely users and the library as information service providers. So, by holding a library promotion, users know what library materials the library has, what facilities can be used, and what services users can get. Library promotion is a series of library activities designed so that people know the benefits of a library through the collections, facilities, and products or services provided (Yuven, 2009:1). Through promotional activities. It is hoped that the public will recognize and utilize the services and facilities in the library. By carrying out promotional activities, users will get to know the library. Seeing the library users and potential users will make it easier for the library to disseminate library activities. It can help the library gain a positive image in the eyes of the general public.

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